i... am so grateful.
there are so many reasons for me to feel full of thanks. but let me just begin asi:
1) for laura being willing to listen to me when i needed it/was ready for it.
2) for laura being ready/worthy to follow the promptings of the spirit to share this with me.
3) for heavenly father sending people into our lives with their own experiences/ideas to help us. it's often through other people that He answers our prayers.
i confided some character flaws of mine a few weeks ago. i'm not sure if it was a cry for help or simply an opportunity to explain myself, but she listened with love and responded under the direction of the spirit after receiving some definite revelation. she remembered this video from a class she'd taken last semester.
and i loved it.
i needed it.
and i feel like sharing it with the world.
if you're interested in the whole idea of vulnerability, watch this clip. yeah, it's 20 minutes, but i promise it's worth it.
"vulnerability is to practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror when we're wondering--can i love you this much? can i believe in this this passionately? can i be this fierce about this? just to be able to stop and, instead of catastrophizing what might happen, just say, 'i'm grateful' because
to feel this vulnerable means i'm alive."
" we have to believe we're enough."
"vulnerability is the core of shame, fear, struggle for worthiness...but it is also the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging, and love."
"you cannot selectively numb emotion."
"courage comes from that latin root 'cor-' which means heart. courage means to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart."
Al verte solo segundos en el aire, pienso en los segundos de eternidad que no vemos, ya nos lo han dicho somos pequeñitos, aprendiendo segundo tras segundo, llorar es un sentimiento indescriptible, que es el inicio de un sentimiento mas profundo, porque lloramos, extraño a mis amigos, a mi madre, mi padre, mi perro, porque no tengo ha alguien en mi vida, que me falta que me sobra, camino por calles desconocidas, que busco, no lo encuentro aun, o tal vez ya le prometí algo, que es amor? Un corazón, un Feb-14, alguien que me dice... alguien en que se piensa, un lugar, como soy feliz, comiendo mi postre favorito, la comida del restaurante X, pues te digo estas cosas solo son del mundo, el verdadero amor es el de nuestro padre, su espíritu nos da una gran emoción indescriptible de un amor universal, nuestras lagrimas son esas palabras que no podemos expresar por tanto amor, hasta que sobre abunde... Sed felices, tened gozo... El llora por nosotros, el sufre por nosotros, el nos consuela, el quiere que seamos felices, el esta dispuesto ayudarnos y esto no solo en esta década... Sino de eternidad en eternidad, que pues debemos hacer, un profeta no dijo ... Ahora se que no somos nada, el polvo es mas que nosotros... Al menos este hace caso, pero aun asi cuanto amor tiene nuestro padre por nosotros, debemos pues ser mas espirituales que carnales, no dejarnos vencer por la carne/mundo con sus sutilezas. Tu al igual que todos mis hermanos, sabemos y hemos sentido el gran espíritu, por eso le conocemos como el consolador, sabemos cuando esta presente, el nos mira atravez de otras personas, nos habla atravez de otras personas, nos cuida atravez de otras personas, y como sabemos esto, porque sentimos su fuerza, su amor... Recuerda no estas sola, aunque el tiempo es corto y no te vuelva a ver mas... Recuerda no estas sola.
okay i just wanted to say first i LOVE YOU. second... it's interesting because she helped you and i just have to tell you our little chat the other night was JUST want i wanted and NEEDED to hear and was an answer to my prayers. so thank you... thirdly i watched that clip in class and literally almost cried i loved it so much! love you, megan
wowow. wonderful t-star. or should i say tonia:) love you
I saw this a while ago, and it was so nice to watch it again! THanks for posting...i'm stealing it:)
Love and miss you my dear friend!!! xoxo
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