Kristen assured me it would be addicting.
She was correct.
Last week I was riding here (South Fork. Stunning)...
...and I saw one of these appear then disappear on the trail ahead of me:
Truly. Yes. Scared the bageezies out of me. I swerved and received my first flat.
I lived to tell the tale.
Maybe I felt invincible after living through that for I willingly agreed to do a bike race that weekend--the ULCER: Utah Lake Century Epic Ride. It was beeeeeautiful! We rode all the way around Utah Lake. I found it remarkably ironic how ingenious words and ideas came to me at that time: the exact moment pens and notebooks were entirely out of reach. I had those--quickly evaporated and now inexplicable words--and songs flooding and occupying my brain the majority of the eight hours, driving me forward as I literally chased the pavements ahead. It was a long day for my brain, eyeballs, and quads. It was such a great experience; I'm super glad I was able to do it.
Thanks family, for the persuasion beforehand, for the soothing each of the 111 miles, and the for the fond memories afterwards. I'll never look at utah valley the same!
We are so blessed to be in this gorgeous place. :)
Most of the gang... we're just missing Pam and Craig--who were fixing their third flat by this point, I believe.
"Epic" ride.
At the conclusion. I stood there too tired for words or movement, and that moment was captured effectively.
For now, hold on to your children whilst in Provo Canyon... you never know where those black bears are lurking. (I promise that story is not fabricated. I honestly don't know what I'd do if that moment transpired again.) Keep tabs on all sides while canyoning.
For me, I'll keep chasing those pavements before our gorgeous valley is lined with cold cold whiteness.